
Why Choose Ability Wood Flooring for a Custom Flooring Makeover in Florida


Homeowners in Orlando, College Park, Winter Park & Windermere generally make a beeline to Ability Wood Flooring in order to skip the hassles of shopping for custom flooring. Here’s Why You Should Choose Us, Too: We Have a Full Lineup of Custom Flooring Types From wood tile look-a-likes that can [...]

4 truths about the Janka “Myth”

2018-09-20T16:31:31+00:00Hardwood, Services, Wood Tips|

Have you ever been in the market for flooring and heard this mysterious “Janka” term thrown around like a plate in a Greek restaurant?  While it can have its place in the discussion, it should never be at the forefront when deciding on a flooring product.  There are more important [...]

Why Choose Custom Engineered Hardwood Flooring

2022-01-20T17:55:36+00:00Hardwood, Services, Wood Tips|

As Bona Certified Craftsmen, Ability Wood Flooring knows a thing or two about custom engineered hardwood flooring. Our credentials are backed by more than 70 years in business, and through it all, we’ve seen the beauty, value, and charm that hardwood flooring brings to the table – generation after generation. [...]

Creating an Old World European Design

2020-10-30T19:00:55+00:00Hardwood, Wood Tips|

At Ability Wood Flooring in Orlando, FL, we are committed to providing our customers the newest products and services in the hardwood flooring industry. Most of our customers are Orlando homeowners who have existing solid hardwood floors and would like us to refinish them. You know, sand, stain then finish [...]

Flooring Boutiques Vs Flooring Store

2024-08-18T02:30:26+00:00Hardwood, News, Wood Tips|

When you shopped for flooring, did you visit many flooring stores? When you walked into stores, did you spend a couple hours looking at many options then walked out with more questions than answers? That could be because you were in a “store” rather than a “Boutique.” By its very [...]

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