You just finished your flooring project and now have these beautiful floors! So the questions is, “How do we keep these wood floors looking this good for many years?” Keeping your wood floors clean and maintained are not as big of a hassle when done properly. We will share with you some EASY cleaning tips for maintaining and keeping your wood floors clean and neat:
Keeping your wood floors clean and maintained are not as big of a hassle when done properly. We will share with you some EASY cleaning tips for maintaining and keeping your wood floors clean and neat:
- First and foremost!!! Sand is a wood floors worst enemy!!! It can scratch and wear away the finish quicker.
- Make sure every time there is a spill wipe it up immediately. If it is wiped up within a reasonable time, you should be in the clear. But we like to be as preventative as possible
- Before you start cleaning, make sure you have the right cleaning solution. Not all “safe for wood floor” cleaners are safe. Most have added chemicals that could do more harm than good. At Ability Wood Flooring, we recommend our brand, Citrus Floor Cleaner, which is made with natural ingredients without harsh chemicals
- Please, DO NOT, NEVER EVER, use any of the following products (or products similar in nature) ammonia based cleaners, acrylic finishes, wax based products, detergents, bleach, polishes and oil soaps, abrasive cleaning soaps or vinegar, and most important: DO NOT USE A STEAM CLEANER!

Ability Citrus Floor Cleaner
How to clean:
- Before using the cleaner, sweep up any debris with a broom or use a vacuum with the wand with a soft bristle attachment.
- Once all debris is removed, grab your cotton terry cloth mop or a microfiber mop then wet it with water, make sure it is damp not dripping or soaking wet. Next, spray the cleaner directly into the mop or a direct stream onto the floor. Mop back and forth in a figure eight motion to keep any residual debris at the end of the mop. Then use a dust pan to sweep up any debris left… and Voila! You have fresh clean wood floors!
Watch our Video about our Cleaning Tips
For more tips about caring for your wood floors, stay tuned for our next editions of our blog. Also, check our website where you can find more information about helpful cleaning tips.
Ability Wood Flooring